Friday, April 4, 2008

Advertising Refrigerator Magnets

Magnets are the ideal way to make your message stick, not only on the fridge, but also in the minds of your customers.

Magnets provide a service to potential clients. Magnets are kept and used to hang things up on the fridge or filing cabinet. Your message gets seen again and again with each use.

That exposure can go on for a long time, even years. Magnets are one thing that most people don't throw away.

Traditional postcards however usually end up going from the mailbox to the trash can. That's exactly what happens to 'junk mail'. The postcard that cost so much to design, print and mail, can end up in garbage without even a second glance. Your marketing dollars end up in the garbage along with your message.

Magnets aren't considering junk mail because of their relative novelty.  People like to receive something unexpected the mail. The other nice thing about magnets is that each home has a built in place to keep them; right on the fridge. understands the importance of effective advertising and being able to get the best response on marketing dollars spent. We believe that no business can afford to waste time or money on ineffective advertising. 

Advertising refrigerator magnets provide a guaranteed way get your message across, not just once, but time and time again. Your business card magnet will be displayed on the fridge, the highest traffic area in the home. 

That's a world away from a postcard trying to advertise from inside the garbage can. 

Request a free sample at or by phone at 801-636-5375.

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